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See UWRL webpage for selected recent research & projects


Predicting channel-reach morphology at large scales using Machine Learning


Field data collection   ->    Classification   ->    Prediction


Learn more about the prediction of reach-scale geomorphic channel types in this e-poster and explore the interactive results.








Guillon et al 2020


The Functional Flows Calculator

The Functional Flows Calculator is a web tool for visualizing, downloading, and exploring unimpaired streamflow patterns, including hydrologic classes, reference hydrographs, and annual functional flow metrics. The time series signal processing algorithm code and GUI are publicly available at associated links.


Combined effects of flow depletion from irrigation diversions and associated subsurface return flows on stream temperature


Over 80% of water in the western U.S. is used for agriculture, and thousands of stream miles are now chronically depleted over the summer low flow season to supply irrigation. Depleted streams are more susceptible to heating, often cited as a population bottleneck for aquatic species. At the same time, in depleted streams, even small amounts of colder water from irrigation seepage can moderate temperatures and provide critical thermal refugia. To improve understanding of the role of irrigation diversions and lateral return flows on summer stream temperature patterns, we are monitoring flow and temperature along diversion-depleted stream reaches in northern Utah. Findings are being used to help natural resource managers identify priority locations for additional monitoring and in-stream water transfers.

Anchor 3

Hydrologic classification and modeling 

The flow regime acts as a major control on geomorphic processes and river ecosystems.

We have distinguished natural stream classes and alteration classes that are being used to organize regional environmental water management efforts for California.

Check out our blog post and publications.

Download the KMZ of the hydrologic classification:

Lane et al 2017; 2018

Anchor 1


Nested longitudinal variability in channel width and depth have rarely been included in channel classifications. However, variability in topographic features of rivers, in conjunction with sediment supply and discharge, produces a mosaic of channel forms that provides unique habitats for sensitive aquatic species. We are investigating the utility of topographic variability attributes in distinguishing channel types and dominant geomorphic processes. Initial results indicate that incorporating variance in channel classification provides a quantitative basis for interpreting nonuniform as well as uniform geomorphic processes, which can improve our ability to distinguish linked channel forms and processes of geomorphic and ecological significance. These efforts are now being applied throughout the State of California through partnerships with several academic entities. 

Quantifying and synthesizing riverscape topographic variability 

Lane et al 2017

Anchor 2

Regional Ecohydraulic Analysis

The extent and timing of many river ecosystem functions is controlled by the interplay of streamflow dynamics (flow) with the river corridor shape and structure (form). However, most regional river management studies evaluate these components independently. We are developing a flexible, integrated modeling approach to assess the distributed ecological effects (function) resulting from different flow and form configurations. 

2D hydrodynamic modeling is used in combination with geomorphic classification and synthetic river corridors to evaluate alternative flow-form-function scenarios at management relevant scales. The use of synthetic, archetypal river models based on mathematical descriptions of geomorphic attributes derived from geomorphic classification in lieu of high-resolution topographic data (i) reduces resource requirements, (ii) overcomes site-specific topographic features, and (iii) allows for evaluation of any morphological structure of interest. Ecosystem performance is measured across a suite of functions related to aquatic species, riparian species, and hydrogeomorphic processes.


Initial results from this framework highlight critical performance tradeoffs and emphasize the significance of spatiotemporal diversity of flow and form at multiple scales for maintaining river ecosystem integrity. The approach is broadly applicable and extensible to other systems and ecosystem functions. We are currently using this framework to inform river management and design testing in western states.

Lane et al 2018; 2020

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