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I am an Associate Professor in the Dept. of Civil & Environmental Engineering at Utah State University and a researcher at the Utah Water Research Laboratory.

I am a watershed hydrologist with the aim of understanding rivers, their biota, and human engineering and management as an integrated system to support more efficient allocation of scarce freshwater resources under increasing stressors. My lab's research explores the relationship between landscape and channel context and hydrologic behavior across multiple scales and disturbances (e.g.  dams, wildfires, climate change).

I work across scales, collecting field observations and analyzing geospatial datasets that inform the development of statistical and process-based tools. I also lead several efforts to integrate emerging research and develop dynamic web-based tools to guide coordinated, stakeholder-engaged regional environmental water management in the western U.S. 


Listen to the
Water Talk podcast  about
our Functional Flows work
Our research informs first-in-Texas freshwater mussel reintroduction
WET lab crew _creamies.jpg
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